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Orthopedic Reflexology

with Spiros Dimitrakoulas

Friday 4th, Saturday 5th & Sunday 6th July 2025.

Venue: Bickerton House, 25 Bickerton Road London N19 5JT

Investment : £435
Deposit: £100 (non refundable)
Please Note: A deposit payment of £100 is required to secure your place, and a payment scheme is available to spread the cost of the training. 
Orthopedic Reflexology (OR) derives from the Hellenic analysis of the two words “Ortho” and “Pedis”. Orthopedic (contrary to “Orthopaedic”) means: Ortho – to stand, Pedis - feet, or to bind and to stand.

For the booking form please scroll to the end of this page.


Orthopedic Reflexology is about utilizing the experience one has obtained in discriminating the reflex areas or the condition of the foot's tissues and then applying the correct technique, the proper amount of pressure for the appropriate amount of time, to achieve the "medium" as taught by Hippocrates in order for nature to heal. Orthopedic Reflexology practitioners use the condition of the tissues of the feet as a guide. Anatomical charts to understand the reflexes, zones, meridians and fascia, as well as to effectively manipulate the feet.

Orthopedic Reflexology will teach the theory and practical approaches of Hippocrates and Galens guide on the effects of "rubbing" – Anatripsis; the four meridians of Hippocrates, Orthopedic reflexology maps, understanding pain and a deeper exploration of the history and origin of reflexology and the "science" behind it. In Orthopedic Reflexology we also learn how to assist many local foot problems such as halux valgus and hammer toes, which in turn affects and helps treat disorders of the myoskeletal system and the internal organs.

During this 3 day instructive course you will be taught the anatomy of the feet which will include the four muscle layers, connective tissue e.g plantar fascia and retinaculum, the location of the bones of the feet and the route of the tendons and peripheral nerves entering the feet. Participants will be taught how to effectively treat all these structures, and make correlations within their existing knowledge and integrate the new techniques into their own existing practice.

The basis of the training is learning the theoretical and practical approaches of Hippocrates and Galen on the effects of "rubbing" – Anatripsis, as they have been handed down to us from their original books. Hippocrates describes in detail four main “veins” that are considered the forefather of the Chinese meridians. The Hippocratic veins will be outlined theoretically in detail, and approached practically until the knee and elbow respectively.
During the course attention is given to understanding modern concepts of pain and the “science” behind Reflexology and utilizing this knowledge in our every day work. The history and origin of reflexology is reviewed.

Upon completion of training in Orthopedic Reflexology participants will have the capacity to alleviate complementary to standard care of local foot problems such as hallux valgus and hammer toes, which in turn reflexively affect and help treat disorders found in other parts of the body.

Please note - Orthopedic reflexology is open to all, not only reflexologists. Therapists who are new to working the feet will notice the differences, and body workers can integrate the techniques learnt immediately into their practice.

The majority of the course is focused on the practical applications of the Orthopedic Reflexology techniques. There are many structures in our feet and each one requires a unique technique.

London venue: Bickerton House 25 Bickerton Road London N19 5JT

Orthopedic Reflexology 3 Day Course

  • Hippocrates and Galens guide on the effects of "rubbing" Anatripsis
  • Anatomy of the foot
  • Hippocrates 4 pairs of Veins (meridians)
  • Muscle chains/ Zones/ Chinese meridians/ Nerve pathways
  • Orthopedic Reflexology Maps
  • Hippocrates Holistic approach
  • The 'science' behind reflexology
  • Effective techniques for local foot problems such as hallux valgus and hammer toes
  • Explain Pain-understanding the modern concepts
  • Referenced Reflexology History - Why is this important for the outcome of your treatment and for our future as a profession?

Hippocratic Anatripsis Massage Course

Hippocratic Anatripsis (rubbing – kneading) is a One Day Massage Training Course following the principles as taught by Hippocrates and Galen. It aims to complement the knowledge and skills learnt in Orthopedic Reflexology but is open to all reflexologists and massage therapists  who wish to add to their existing skills.

Spiros Dimitrakoulas is the founder and originator of Orthopedic Reflexology , he teaches reflexology to students at Natural Health Science in Athens, Greece. He is also a tutor for MNT-NR (Nerve Reflexology), teaching both AT-R (anatomical topographical reflexology) and Nerve Reflexology courses. In addition to his reflexology courses he also teaches the Art of Hippocratic Kneading and his disciplines include Su Jok , Tui Na massage (Tiangin university, China) , ear acupuncture and fascia therapy.

Former President of the Hellenic Association of Reflexology (HAR) and Chair of Reflexology in Europe Network - RIEN. Since 2012 he has been working as Reflexologist for the handball team Diomidis Argos, who won the Greek Championship and European Cup in 2012, and is where he refined  Orthopedic Reflexology. His Reflexology interest and specialization is in pain, sports and the elderly - centenarians. Currently he is integrating people with disabilities in Reflexology training.

 Orthopedic Reflexology Course Booking Form

Payment options

Please indicate below how you would like to pay your £100 deposit
Minimum age requirement 18 years
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